Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Learning Outcome Be able to conduct and record assessments in accordance with internal and external processes and requirements 2.1 Review the assessment requirements and related procedures of learning programmes (AQA. 2012).Assessment is the process by which a learner’s skills and knowledge are reviewed in order to evaluate what they have learnt or in the case of NVQs, how they are performing against the competencies they are required to demonstrate. I see classroom assessment as having four main purposes. The first three include: Diagnostic or needs assessment purpose: To determine what students already know so teachers can decide the topics and approaches to use. Formative purpose for teacher: To assess†¦show more content†¦When teachers’ classroom assessments become an integral part of the instructional process and a central tenet in their efforts to help students learn, the benefits of assessment for both students and teachers will be boundless. The purpose of these assessments is to ascertain the student’s levels of understanding and see if there is any room for improvement and whether there are any weaknesses so as to be able to correct them. My focus is to improve my assessments to make them motivating and to enhance student learning. Assessment challenges that have been identified are as follows: Figuring out what really is important for students to know and be able to do in history. Teaching the skills of â€Å"doing history†in a world of testing that often seems to value only factual knowledge. Identifying and using assessments that provide teachers with better information than only multiple-choice exams. Getting students motivated to do a good job on essays and other written work. Helping students learn to improve their own work and produce quality products. Holding students accountable for quality work, as opposed to them just turning in something. The assessments have to be conducted and recorded in accordance with internal and external processes and requirements. I use these assessments to evaluate my practice and to identify any opportunities for improvement. FIG. 2 Assessment objectives Good assessments should follow theseShow MoreRelatedMethods in Performing Assessment962 Words  | 4 Pagesthat are required in the curriculum†(Ian Reece, 2007, teaching, training and learning) Fairness: Fairness censures that everyone has an equal chance of getting a good assessment. â€Å"All learners are entitled to a fair assessment and should be given the best opportunity to demonstrate their ability†(Ann Gravels, 2008, preparing to teach in the lifelong learning sector) Authenticity: The work produced by learner in practical life. Currency: The work is still relevant at the time of assessmentRead MoreEssay about Princilples of Assessment Unit 12 Pttls1553 Words  | 7 PagesJulie Capon Unit 012 Principles of assessment in lifelong learning The types of assessment a trainer will use in lifelong learning include initial, diagnostic, independent assessment, formative, summative, internal, external, formal and informal assessment. â€Å"Assessment is a way to find out if learning has taken place.†Tummons (2007: p5) Gravells (2011:p91), describes the assessment cycle in the following terms; â€Å"the initial assessment, assessment planning, assessment activity, assessment decisionRead MorePreparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3/4 Unit 008 Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning1723 Words  | 7 PagesPreparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Level 3/4 Unit 008 Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning Roles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning In this assignment I will be talking about key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to my own role. 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The analysis of results can then be used to design an individual programme of learning for the learner which underpins the success of a course and act as a benchmark from which the learner’sRead MorePtlls Level 4 Assessment Question 1796 Words  | 4 PagesPTLLS Level 4 – Preparing to Teach in the Lifelong Learning Sector Assessment Question 1 Evaluate what you believe are the main roles and responsibilities as a teacher/trainer in relation to the teaching and learning cycle and in particular when meeting the needs of learners. How far do your responsibilities as a teacher/trainer go and how do these work in relation to other professionals you may encounter both internally and externally? What boundaries are there with your role and betweenRead MoreUnderstand theories, principles and applications of formal and informal assessment1510 Words  | 7 Pagesthis assignment I will briefly discuss the various types of assessment available to myself as a teacher in the lifelong learning sector, highlighting some methods of assessment and their qualities and the involvement of IT as an assessment resource and learners in the assessment process. There are primarily four different types of assessment used whilst teaching in the lifelong learning sector, all as crucial and relevant as each other; they are Initial assessment, Diagnostic assessment, FormativeRead MoreRoles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning1535 Words  | 7 PagesRoles, Responsibilities and Relationships in Lifelong Learning. Task A: Research Report. (a) A summary of key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relevant to the role and responsibilities of the teacher. Teachers must maintain their knowledge of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice and ensure that they are up to date with all current requirements, which are often subject to change. Some are generic and affect all who teach, whereasRead MorePtlls 6302 Roles and Responsibilities Essay1510 Words  | 7 PagesAn introduction to roles, responsibilities and relationships in lifelong learning Legislation and codes of practice The code of practice for teaching further education, within the lifelong sector is regulated by the Institute for Learning (IFL). This independent professional body provides a register of teachers/trainers and skills, promotes continuous professional development, and represents their members when interacting with government, agencies and sector organisations (IFL: 2011). GeneralRead MorePtlls Assignment 1 Roles and Responsibilities Essay1137 Words  | 5 PagesLifelong Learning Sector Lifelong learning sector covers adult education (16+) outside universities and takes place in further education colleges, adult and community learning centres, work-bases, libraries, archives and information centres, the forces, NHS, prisons, private colleges. The learners range widely in their ages, interests, abilities, cultural and ethnic backgrounds, etc. Teacher’s Roles and Responsibilities Our role as ESOL teachers is extremely diverse and includes manyRead MoreHow Self Managed Learning Can Improve Deep Rooted Development1720 Words  | 7 Pageseducation is considered important while before, here individuals went to schools, completed, went to work; and quit examining totally. Individuals these days precede with their learning even, when they have finished with college, retain with new information to enhance their aptitudes and make a convention of lifelong learning. Personal and professional development is the most essential idea for the long haul vocation development. It is the procedure to setup the point in life. Everybody ought to create
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