Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Women’s right movement
As the time past, and more women are educated, they started to think about the equal rights. Women's status are always lower than men's status. They did not want to be in this kind of situation any more. Therefore the feminist movement started in the 19th century. The movement began in Europe and America. This is a major turning point in women history, because at this time the idea of liberty and equality just germinated. At this time, women finally challenged the idea that they must always please men. And because of this idea, men always think they are better than women.At the time, women even became the property of men. Men can even abuse women if they wanted to. Of course, it was impossible for women to have any rights. At that time, women always suffered from all those stresses. The situation do not only occurred in the family, but also in the entire society. For example if a woman has the same ability as a man, she would get less payment than a man and for no reason. Sometimes i f a man and a woman goes to an interview at the same time, the employ will consider the man first. This is a kind of discrimination against women. That is unfair to the women.In families women always give up their career for husbands and kids and they would take care of them. But men do not sacrifice anything. Without income, some women were looked down by their husbands. Without economic support, women are very frail. Therefore women need to be protected by men. However, men mostly control the society: therefore, it is unfavorable for women to compete with men in this kind of situation. Finally the succeed of the feminist movement established the bright further of women. As a mature and prosperous society women should have exactly same rights as men.! In the present society, citizens have many rights.Such as the right to vote, suffrage right, property right, guardianship, citizenship and so on. These rights ensure our lives' quality. As citizens own these rights they can have many benefits from those rights. They can be protected by the law and the country. But long time ago women did not have any right. Generally women are much weaker than men no matter from mental or physical. Under the men's control if they did not get any protection they will be so vulnerable. They did not have any power to revolt. In old China women had no rights , and people believed men are better than women. Therefore they rather have boy than girl.Sometimes if they had a girl they Just kill her or throw her away. At that time, they had to suffer from foot-binding in order to marry a good man. Old China allow one husband have more than one wife, and they treat their wives like slaves. Those things reflected the women's situation at that time. They can not even chose what kind of life they were going to live. Because men chose them and those women's future were in men's hands. As females, we are so lucky that we are born in this time.! In the past women even did not have citizenship. T hey were belongings to their husbands Juts like items.Some of the women were forced to stay at home for their whole life. They can not go outside. Husbands could asked their wives to do work, but instead husbands would get payment. Women were treated like animals without any humanity. Because they do not consider female as a person. That was so horrible. There is a doggerel in Chinese, the basic meaning is †A husband's wife is his donkey, you can beat her and ride on her. †Not only husband can do this to his wife. If the fife give birth to a girl, the husband's parents would not be happy and they can get rid of her if they want to.Women do not have any status in ancient China at all. Of course they would not be considered as a citizen, even a part of the society. To be a citizen the most basic rights are the right to vote, the right to be elected and the right of personal liberty. But at that time they were Just like slaves. To have any rights was like a dream which wo uld never come true for them. Especially for those vulnerable groups without security they Just like a clam without shell. That is why those women get so hard to gain their proper rights. They learn to become powerful, to become stronger, learn how to be independent. We must remember that men and women are spiritual equals†(Galatians 3: 26-29) â€Å"God is no respecter of persons. †(Acts 10: 34-35) He does not play favorites. Faithful women mean Just as much to God as faithful men. (Women's rights and responsibilities) Now, as the Feminist Movement succeed, more and more women get educated. This made the gap between men and women getting smaller. Now the equality between the sexes became a reality. ! ! Finally in 1918 women got one of the most important rights eight to vote. But it was limited only for women above 30. In 1928 it changed into women above 21 get the right to vote. A Brief History of Women's Rights Movements) †This was the very first time for wome n to vote. The event established the succeed of feminist movement in the history of women. In 1946 the United Nations established a Commission on the status of Women. †(wisped) It covered gender equality and the empowerment of women. For such a long time women had been under controlled by men, but now they are free. They really became independent by themselves not only physically, but also mentally. Because they have their own rights now.! ! Later women became legal citizens. They owned citizenship and many other rights.Also they could go outside and work. Two of the most important rights are property right and guardianship. Which means women can have their own property. Also when a couple divorce the woman can have the guardianship to the children as well. These rights make women became more strong, they can be independent without men and have a good life. It is very important for women to have a economy support. If they do not have money, they can not live by themselves. Th at is why men did not allow women go out to work. Because if they got money, men can not control women any more.That is why it is so important for women to have her own Job. As citizens women can participate in this society and be considered as a part of the society. They are no longer an unimportant role. They became valuable, these made males know they need to treasure them. Otherwise women became powerful enough to protect themselves. Males no longer can hurt females. Also there are laws sets for females' benefits. Now they can use them to protect themselves from men's abuse, to like in the old times they have no choice but suffer the rest of her life or commit suicide.! As a citizen, when we own rights at the same time we also own responsibilities to this society. No matter the legal responsibilities or the responsibilities to our families. Those are the things we have to fulfill. Sometimes women have more things to worry about than men. Because men always busy on his work, only focus all his attention on how to make money. Men always think they are too busy to think about other things, therefore women have to take care of their home. However, women also need to work. Which means they have to work and take care of home at the same time.They need to worry about those fussy housework, their children's lives, their parents, cook meals and a lot of other things. But men also have responsibilities to the home, not only about the economic support but they also need to care about the home with love. A good example is children. Almost each family has at least one child. In China there is a investigation and statistics result about the time father spent with child and the time mother spent with child. Everyday a father spent less than an hour with children. More than 0% fathers says they are too busy with their work.About 20% fathers do not realize the importance to spend time with their children. ( ) It is very important for a father to be a good example for a chi ld, but they think their Jobs are more important than their children. Men give up their responsibilities for the family because their Jobs, and give it all to women. Therefore women have take all the responsibilities. But that is a little bit unfair for women because man and woman share a family. If there is any rights or responsibilities they should share instead of push all of them to one of the person.! There are some other responsibilities for women in other ways.In the bible wives are required to respect husband, honor your father and your mother, bring up children. Women are responsible to a lot of things. Therefore they need to work much more harder. Because they love their children so much that they need to spend so much vigor on children, but men always careless and do not care much as women, they would have less things to care about than women. ! Sometimes husband has some trouble during work, as wife she has responsibility to share weal and woe with him. If the husband lo se his Job or broke, he wife has to stand out and keep the family.That makes women have to take those responsibilities men did not take but they should take. This is a little bit unfair but that is the reality. ! Women are also has responsibilities in God. In the church women were used as prophets. †This was a public capacity which had been foretold †(Acts 2:16-18). In 1 Corinthians 12:28, prophets were listed second among the gifts. According 1 Corinthians 11: 51 †This was a very important position and women worked at it. †Women are concerned by God more in the ancient time. Because nobody would listen to women's witness.But when Jesus die and came back to life again. Some women went to his grave to see him. God let those women to spread the message out. That was such an important message. God let the women to told others instead of men. This reflected that God considers men and women as the same. And women also used as teachers. Len John 4:28-29, 39, a women taught men who did not know about Jesus Christ. If they could do it then, they can do it now. Women have the right to learn (1 Timothy 2:11). John 4:9-15 shows us that the Samaritan woman was asking Jesus directly and not one of her five husbands.In the community, women can work.. In Acts 9:36-39, Dorsa made them tunics and worked for the people around her. The picture of a worthy women in Proverbs 31 :12-20, 24 demonstrates that a woman can work! Women can work but they must choose the correct priorities. They will answer to God for what they have chosen Just like men will have to answer to God if they have chosen their careers over the well-being of their family (Proverbs 31:21-23, 28-29). ! ! Women also have the responsibility of loyalty to her husband. Men should not cheated on his wife, also women should not cheated on his husband also.If they cited to live as a family, they have the responsibility to each other and their children. As a women it is not responsible and imm orality if she decided to abortion. Because that is murdering. Every baby comes from God's blessing, God does not give anybody any right to take other people's life, even it is her own child's life. Once a woman has physical relationship with a man, she and he both have the responsibility to the baby if they had one. ! In conclusion the personality, life. Status between men and women are equally, no matter men or women. We should not have a sense of discrimination that women re lower than men.We should abandon the old idea about women, such as women belongs to men, women should not go outside to work, women should do all the housework at home and take care of the whole family, women were considered as slaves and so on. The As the time past, women's status is rising. In a modern society, women are same as men in mentally. Everybody soul is equal in God's eyes. Nobody is special. Therefore under this situation, men and women should have same rights and responsibilities to the country. Rights and responsibilities are coexisting. Everybody has to fulfill their own responsibilities.They cannot only have rights but do not take the responsibilities. And responsibilities and obligation are respectively. Under these situation the whole society will be prosperous. People will have happy lives. The country will run normally. Everybody would welling to contribute to the society. The country would be prosperous. This is good for the country and good for the people. If women and men all have same status, these will not cause family conflicts. Children will have a healthy circumstance for them to grow up and they will have a correct value. All of these came from the equal rights.There are so many advantages to have equal rights. Therefore no matter what rights men have, women should have as well. A mature society is a mixture. It can not only has men in it, or it can not only has women in it either. Men and women can not live without each other. Because God created us in thi s way, women is a part of men and men is a part of women. It is same for a couple. In a family, women and men are sharing the same family. Under this situation, they should communicate with each other rather than one control the other. Therefore we should have a sense of men and women are equal at all aspects.
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